Current subscribers may submit at any time.

Fast-track submissions are open January 31–July 31; regular submissions are open August 31–September 30; Sugar Suites (multi-medium) is open on a rolling basis.

  • Submit up to five poems in one document via the online submission manager, no more than 15 pages, no more than twice every 12 months, one submission at a time. 
  • Response times: Current subscriber = 30 days or less; Fast-track = 60 days or less; Regular submission = varies, often ~6 months. For regular submissions, please don't query before 6 months. 
  • No previously published poetry. 
  • Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere by adding a message (not a note) in Submittable.  
  • Include a short cover letter with a short (100-200 words), third-person bio. Please also include your preferred pronouns. We like a little flavor, but standard fare is fine too.
  • We acquire First North American serial rights and reprint rights for potential inclusion in future anthologies and promotional material; upon publication, rights revert to the author. We reserve the right to submit your work to third-party awards/anthologies, reviews, and advocacy websites, such as The Pushcart Prize, Verse Daily, Poetry Daily, etc.
  • Payment is two contributor's copies for US mailing addresses and a discount on additional copies. International contributors receive an electronic copy. Due to a steep increase in pricing and unreliability of international shipping, we can no longer ship copies outside the US.
  • Send only original work. If you quote another poet or source, we expect that source to receive credit.       

Please note that our account is capped at 300 unpaid submissions per month. Once we hit that, unpaid submissions will close until the beginning of the next month.   

This option is only for current Sugar House Review subscribers (which means a printed issue shows up in your mailbox). If you are a current subscriber, we will respond to your submission in 30 days or less. Subscribers may submit at any time, whether we are open to regular submissions or not.

If you do not subscribe to Sugar House Review, you can buy a subscription during the submission process or you may use the fast-track or regular submission option. 

Sugar Suites is a multi-medium, non-traditional poetry feature. Do not send traditional poetry submissions via this portal. To see the work we've previously published for this feature CLICK HERE.

To help us explore our diverse and rapidly changing media landscape, we invite you to submit poems that extend beyond the printed word, beyond the page, to include sounds, images, and interactive elements. We’re interested in work that investigates connections between different media forms and modes of representation, including film, music, sound art, electronic literature, and visual art.

Sugar House Review acknowledges that the way people use language is changing. Technology impacts how we experience the world, how we communicate, and how we define community. Poetry and poetics undoubtedly reflect and shape this evolution. 

In a time when boundaries between textual, visual, and aural art forms converge and overlap, we’re inspired to showcase writers’ efforts to accommodate and complicate media transformations. These efforts may take shape as audio poems, video poems, or hybridized digital artifacts. While we believe printed poems remain vitally important, we recognize that digital media allow for the creation of new forms that disrupt and extend traditional poetic expression. 

We’re also interested in work that exists in multiple forms, such as printed poems that also live as audio files containing musical information, or videos in conversation with text-based material. These pieces need not originate with a single author. We believe understanding is deepened and enriched through collaboration and experimentation, so collaborate, experiment, and send us your provisional results!


For a mere $3.75, your submission is put on the fast track (we'll get back to you in 61 days or less) and you'll receive a PDF of our most recent issue.

Sugar House Review